Saturday, October 24, 2020


 I'm tired tonight. I get tense my allergies kick up, I cough, sneeze, even itch. Drives me crazy. I can usually take most of the nonsense on FB. However some of the idiocy today is really cranking up my crankly genese. 

A prominent progressive media figure who shall remain nameless believes that if Biden is successful we will need truth and recociliation to get past the last four years. Truth and reconciliation my ass. What we need is an army of cult deprogrammers. And I have no desire reconcile with individuals who have called their fellow citizens who do not agree with them every vile name in the language, threatened them with violence and or death, ignored basic public health directives in the name of some supposed "freeedom." Frankly this walker dependent, Quaker I'm working on it, senior citizen wishes she could still get around so she could kick some ass even if it lands me in court. I am that angry tonight.

They continue to support a man who lies as easily as he breathes. Do his cultists really believe that if we quit testing for the covid virus it will just go away? Or be diagnosed as something else? That the border wall is really completed even though most of it doesn't exist? That he's still a billionaire even though the evidence shows he's flat broke and in hock up to his ridiculous comb over. I suspect that most of those business bankruptcies were cover for money laundering. Is his ego really so out of this world gigantic that he truly believed someone would buy a steak becuase it had his name on it? Or fly a plane because his name was painted on the fusilage. 

I could go on. I'm probably preaching to the choir anyway. Get ready to crash. Maybe play a couple ganes of solitaire. Go visit brother Cadfael. Have to appreciate English understatement. Who else would call a twenty year civil war "the anarchy?" Or perhaps that's what the historians call it after the fact. The folks living through it probably were a lot more colorful. 

Thanks for putting up with me. Good night. And BTW mailed in my ballot last Tuesday. 

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