Sunday, October 27, 2013


From the net.

The little double espresso guy on the end reminds me of a few Sundays at the Little Bakery in the Mall. The customer was doing remodel work at one of the stores early before the mall opened and needed a bit of a pick me up. As in an eight shots of espresso. Straight. No hot water for an Americano. No Torani. No chocolate. No steamed milk. No creamer. Just the pure unadorned brew. I like coffee but I got heartburn just contemplating that cup as I handed it over.

We worked out a price and he showed up like clockwork every Sunday morning for six or seven weeks. He must have been used to it because I never saw him orbiting the mall at mid morning. And believe me I looked.

I really like the little Irish Coffee Owl too. He looks so relaxed and happy. I'd be happy too if I'd just knocked back a shot or two of ol' Bailey's in my brew along with a healthy dose of whipped cream. Yum.

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