Tuesday, July 29, 2014


The US has spent billions of dollars ensuring the right of Israel's right to existance and self determination.

At the same time back in the eighties this country under Saint Ronnie spent billions of dollars blocking the rights of the people in Central and South America to exist without repression and to choose their own governments without the fear of death squads, informers you thought were your friends and neighbors. To find your liiitle country in the crosshairs of the most powerful nation this planet has ever seen and not give up. To be cold, hungry, frightened, watching your children and your elders die and not give up. To finally spit in the eye of the oppressor and go back to the villages you were driven from replant your crops and rebuild your houses.

The fundies and the righties claim they're being repressed and persecuted. Any helicopter gunships flying overhead? Any fighter bombers strafing the civilians as they try for refuge across the border? And planes or choppers calling in mortor fire to get anyone they missed? Anybody keeping track of where you go to church or hold a Bible study? Anybody stopping the busses and taking people away? Any checkpoints around  town at times other than the favorite drinking holidays?

If not. STFU and pray it never happens to you. I hope I'm wrong but I've an inlaw of an inlaw that I suspect would be Johnny on the Spot to join the Amercan version of ORDEN.

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