Friday, August 13, 2021


I am on my second to last good nerve, passing third and heading for home. Fights do no exist without esposibilities and looking out for your fellow citizens is one of those responsibilities. Viruses don't have brains. They don't think "hey I need new victims to keep going." A few viruses mutated a bit. Landed on youonger targets, multiplied like crazy and went on to do what the damn things do best. Infect new hosts and keep on multipying. And mutating. This little begger seems to mutate like ctszy.

As of today, August 13, Oregon is returning to mandated masks indoors. I'm assuming this means any public buildings, they can hardly check to see if you are wering them at home. We were this close, this close, to fully opening the state. At least that's what was going through the usually reliable rumor mill. I'll need to check with my fourth grade teacher sister to see what the elementary school will be doing since that age group isn't eligible for the vaccines yet.

Researchers have been working on SARS vaccines for eighteen years. Thank you the folks that develped th high speed computers. I don't believe we could have gotten anywhere this fast without them. 

I was in rehab, still getting antibiotics that made me a little dizzy and a little queezy. I got my second dose of the Moderna vaccine and that made me a little dizzier and a little queezier. Lasted a couple of days, then fine. If I can do it. So can most of the rest of us. Didn't much care for the mask when I had to do PT but heck, I'm 71. If I can do it so can most of the rest of us. Wear the masks now wo we don't have to do so later. 

OK. I took biology twice. High school and university. I do not claim to understand all the mechanics of the process used to manufacture a vaccine. This material looks pretty good. And this looks like a standard handout that state governments are using. And I can hardly wait for some of THIS material to be added to that standard anti vaxxer rants. 

So do us all a favor. Wear the mask and get the jab.

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