Monday, August 2, 2021


Or at least make sure it lasts a hell of lot longer than it needs to. 

There was a fair amount of these sttitudes in the early forties. Right up until the morning of December 7, 1941. The conspiracy theories have been swirling ever since. 

The artist's name is Kevin McShane. He has a FB page.  A prime example of what Douglas Adams called an SEP. Sombody Else's Problem. Buddy. be glad they didn't give one of those helmets that looks like a flower pot with eyeholes and a slit to breath through. 

I wonder if he draws ostriches. With their heads in the sand, ass in the air with a big fat bull's eye painted on their feathery rumps. The knight's expression says it all. "Do I keep after the dragon or do I start applying my armored boot to the right asses."Unfortunately he can't just say the hell with it and walk away.

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