Friday, January 18, 2013


Invoke: Call on (a deity or spirit) in prayer, as a witness, or for inspiration. This is secondary definition.

A variation of a poem attributed to Amergin, Druid and poet of the Irish mythological cycle. One of the Milesians who conquered the Tuatha De Danaan….as reworked by Tom Cowan. As beautiful and complex as a piece of Celtic knotwork.

I invoke the land of Ireland:
Forceful, the fertile sea;
Fertile, the lush highlands;
Lush, the showery woods;
Showery, river of waterfalls;
Of waterfalls, the lake of deep pools;
Deep pooled, the hilltop well;
Welling, the gathering of peoples;
Gathering, the tribes of Tara;
I invoke the land of Ireland.

This is almost like a helicopter flyover of the island. As you repeat it, you follow that knotwork around and around with those beautiful images. 

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